1. Why another mission organization?
Our passion is not to become another large mission organization. Though we recognize that there is a place for larger mission boards, we also realize that with a large organization it is possible for the missionary’s needs to be overlooked. Our desire is to minister to our missionary families and to provide for the fulfillment of their spiritual, emotional and family needs as well as the logistical support required to carry on their ministry.
2. Why not send the missionaries through Canton Baptist Temple?
We believe that it is important to establish another 501(c)3 organization that is distinct from Canton Baptist Temple. This was necessary to provide confidence on the part of the supporters of our missionaries that their financial support was not benefiting the missions program of our local congregation. It also allows other like-minded pastors and Christian leaders to form part of the leadership team which, in the long-run, will provide strength and stability for the organization.
If you have more questions about SENT, Inc., please contact us at: info@sentinc.org