• We commit to maintaining doctrinal purity and scriptural integrity.
• We commit to maintaining a strong testimony with biblical standards and convictions.
• We commit to fulfilling the Great Commision in its entirety: evangelism, church planting, discipleship and leadership training.
• We recognize and are committed to the authority of the local New Testament church.
• We commit to the process of indigenious missions; that is the preparing of nationals to assume leadership, ownership and stewardship of the ministry.
• We believe in and are committed to the principle of accountability between the mission organization, the missionaries and supporting churches.
• We commit to the principle of excellence. We will strive to do everything in a way that honors the Lord Jesus Christ.
• We commit to fiscal responsibility in serving our missionaries and supporting churches.
• We commit to handling conflicts, disagreements and criticisms in a biblical manner and with a Christ-like spirit.